Location, location, location!
There are some very important points to consider when choosing a territory.Where ever you decided to setup, this area must provide for all your needs without being too large. I strongly suggest getting a map out or a satellite image of your town to see what is going to be ideal. Also, from your base camp in the center, you shouldn't have to walk more than a mile to get to the outer limit of your territory. This will give you over 6 square miles to live in.
What are we looking for specially?
There are lots of types of shelters to choose from. I will be covering shelters later. At the center of your chosen territory should be the most secluded and out of the way. It needs to be the easiest to hide. Once this area has been identified, 4 more lesser camp sites need to be chosen. These sites will be where you stay while you are still working on getting the base camp hidden and constructed. These lesser camps should be placed throughout the 6 mile circle. Examples of these types of shelters could be a debris hut, scout pit, a well suited tree to climb and set up a hammock or an area that you can use a tarp and blanket camp.
Remember the whole point of carefully choosing all these shelters is so you don't get spotted. If you get talked to by the cops or if you notice that you were seen going to a camp site then you have a handful of other sites to go to.
Ok, what is next?
Now that we have our shelter sites picked out, we have to be thinking about another way to establish our territory This would be to have supplies stashed in very strategic places so that when we need them they will be waiting. This can easily be done be either hiding 5 gallon buckets in the ground or in trees. These stashes need to be scattered around and place with real thought. Not every bucket needs to have the same things in them. If there is a particular area that you have noticed is hard to get food, them make sure you have a bucket full of nonperishable food that can be waiting. I will be going more in depth into this topic later.
Of course we will need to have water...right? There are two types of water that we will need. We will need water that is drinkable for consumption. The seconds type will be used for bathing, laundry, and other hygiene needs. This water will not need to be drinkable. As with everything else, there needs to be multiple sources of water for each type. This will need to be considered when choosing a territory.
Remember we are going to try to provide all of our food needs without any cash. There will be a time and place for money but we will talk about that later. There are lots of great ideas to gather food. Some of them are legal and some are not. Gathering nuts, berries, seeds, roots, and other wild edibles should be totally
legal. However, it is a really good idea to find out for sure for whatever city/state you are in. Dumpster diving is a really grey area and should be check on for sure. Hunting, trapping, or just picking up road kill is definitely illegal.
In all of these areas, you will need to be creative. Think outside the norm. Be prepared to do some research in to the local laws so you know exactly what you can get into trouble for and what is safe.
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